Equest Logistic Center Project is a logistics/industrial park located on the 13th km of A1 highway on the western outskirts of Bucharest near the ring-road.  This part of Bucharest is the most preferred area for industrial projects, being easily accessible for trailers and trucks that are coming from the Centre and West part of the country.

The property consists of three buildings, dedicated for warehousing and light industry purposes.

Equest Logistic Center GLA is totalizing 56, 690 sqm and 40 logistics Units which are provided to be completely independents energetically and functionally, but allowing the possibility to link them up through fire rated access at particular requests.

–          Building E 1 (20,368 sqm-GLA) handed over in February 2008.

–          Building E 2 (18,162 sqm-GLA) handed over in Aug 2008.

–          Building E 3 (18,162 sqm-GLA) handed over in March 2009.


Services granted by Equest to ELC:

  • Land aquisition in 2006.
  • Project management during construction period (2007-2009).
  • Property management since 2008. (daily operation, leasing, financial management & reporting, debt collection)
  • Facility managmeent since 2008.

